Episode 13: Architectures and histories of the staffroom

Broadcast Live 13 July 2020
Guests: Jos Boys and Effy Harle

In this episode we are joined in the staffroom by artist and maker Effy Harle and architect and academic Jos Boys. We collaborated with Effy at Nottingham Contemporary who together with Finbar Prior designed and built the Wandering Womb mobile staffroom and kitchen. Jos is a lecturer at the Bartlett and co-founder with Zoe Partington of UK-based The DisOrdinary Architecture Project. 

References and links

Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, (2011) Misfits: A Feminist Materialist Disability Concept in Hypatia A Journal of Feminist Philosophy 26(3):591 – 609 · June 2011

Matrix Feminist Design Co-operative

Kathi Weeks (2011). The problem with work. Duke University Press.

The Debt Collective

Disability Visibility Project

Mapping Access